This is the new blog for HSC Class of 1977 (SC Class of 1975) from Beacon Hill High School, in Sydney, NSW, Australia.
This is the replacement to the Yahoo 360 Blog and www.geocities.com/bhhs_nsw_1977 website that is being discontinued this year.
It started at 12 noon at DY RSL, people drifted in and out during the day, as their other priorities dictated. We had casual lunch, drinks & coffees, finishing up at 7.30pm. Keen interest for a 50th birthday bash later this year as most of us are turning a young 50 in 2009. Four came down from Queensland, two from Canberra, one from Newcastle, one from Port Macquarie, several from Central Coast, the rest Sydney locals.
Janine B
Judy C
Sally C
Judi D
Jenni F
Kay F
Peta F
Louise McM
Kim O
Lynette P
Paul B
Colin B
Scott B
Steve B
Tim B
Greg B
Alan C
Michael F
Peter G
Paul L
Paul M
Andrew S
click here for Photos page
More photos can be located on the BHHS_NSW_1977 portal.
It started at 12 noon, people drifted in and out during the day, as their other priorities dictated. We had casual lunch, drinks & coffees, finishing up at 5pm. Keen interest to do it again in 6 months.
Ann W
Anna B
Chele T
Debbie B
Janine B
Karen I
Karen N
Jenny D
Judi D
Judy C
Louise McM
Lee S
Maria N
Michael F
Stuart L
Brian S
Steve B
Greg Y
Alan B
David LeF
Alan C
Along with conference calls with Tim B and Peter B
Linda K
Cathy P
David H
Richard B
Stephen H
Alison T
Robert K
Jake H [London]
Cheryl McK [Hervey Bay]
Kate F [Newcastle]
Paul B [Port Macquarie]
Debbie G [Melbourne]
Iain S [Townsville]
click here for Photos page
More photos can be located on the BHHS_NSW_1977 portal.
20 Year Reunion (1997)
The 20 year reunion was held on 20th September, 1997,in the Function Room at the Parkway Antler Hotel, Frenchs Forest. Approximately 100 people attended, including some staff members.
click here to see the Reunion Photos
The BHHS NSW 1977 Website:
below is an extract of the BHHS_NSW_1977 website created on geocities.com in February, 2008. The website started as a focal point for ex-classmates for searching for other people and activities from our former class. Now that the BHHS_NSW_1977 website will be closing at end of 2009, I have moved the content to other places and this site will now become a blog of activities, as we now have a email discussion operating and regular newsletter mailouts, so this blog will now be the focal point on the web.
This blog created for the students of HSC Class of 1977, Beacon Hill High School, formerly of Tristram Road, Beacon Hill, on the northern beaches of Sydney, NSW, Australia The school operated from 1964 to 2002 and demolished in 2007 (not to
be confused with Beacon Hill High Schools in UK and USA)
This log caters for students who attended Beacon Hill High in full or part
thereof in the following years:
Year7 1972, Year8 1973, Year9 1974, Year10 (SC) 1975, Year11 1976 and Year12 (HSC) 1977.If you can't cope with metric then here it is in imperial format: 1st Form 1972, 2nd Form 1973, 3rd Form 1974, 4th Form 1975, 5th Form 1976, 6th Form 1977.
- Jan 2007 - If you did not already know, the school has gone, demolished.
- Feb 2008 - created the BHHS_NSW_1977 website on Geocities.com
- If anyone has some class/year photos or photos of the school itself, then email them to BHHS_NSW_1977 email so I can add them to this website.
- Apr 2008 - moved the school photos to the main BHHS_NSW_AU website (items common to all ex-students)
- June 2008 - Had a "class" Get-Together for Sunday lunch & afternoon drinks at Dee Why RSL.
- Aug 2008 - added some of our photos from Infants and Primary school
- Oct 2008 - moved the bulk of photos off this website over to Flickr.com to make it easier to manage and view photos.
- Jan 2009 - created an online database within the Portal, where students (and staff)can submit their contact details etc, for others in the group to access.
- Jan 2009 - the second class Get-Together was held Sunday, 11th January at DY RSL.
- May 2009 - more BHPS photos added for our year
- May created the BHHS NSW 1977 Blog
- June 2009 is the next Get-together at DY RSL
- Planning a combined 50th birthday bash for late 2009 or start of 2010 - Dates/locations tba on the portal.
THE BHHS_NSW_1977 "HSC Class of 1977" PORTAL SITE:
The BHHS_NSW_1977 Portal has been created specifically for the students that were in the year that culminated as the Class of 1977 of BHHS (as listed above). The portal provides a group email discussion and collaboration area. It is hosted by Yahoo!Groups. Membership registrations will be vetted and restricted to just those students in those grades/years only. Registration is free.
Teachers & Staff who were present at the school during 1972-1977 are also welcome to join. Click here to login if you are already a member of the BHHS NSW 1977 group. Click here to signup includes more details about the portal and group email discussion list. If you are having trouble subscribing to the portal or group email discussion, then email me here: BHHS_NSW_1977 mail as I can subsribe you manually.
"HSC Class of 1977 and SC Class of 1975"
We are now doing regular newsletters, that are emailed out to our ex-classmates
once or twice a year, if you are an ex-student (or teacher/staff) and wish to receive these newsletters, then send your details via email, (ie. Name & email
address, add your maiden name if married, plus you can add optional details like address, phone number to be added to Judi D's database.) email your newsletter request and your details to BHHS_NSW_1977 email address.
Membership signup for the BHHS_NSW_1977 portal:
the BHHS_NSW_1977 Portal has been created specifically for
the students mentioned in the following form/years, or part thereof:
Year7 1972, Year8 1973, Year9 1974, Year10 (SC) 1975, Year11 1976 and Year12 (HSC) 1977.
It is not restricted to only those who completed Year 12 (HSC) in 1977.
The "portal" provides a secure, group email discussion and collaboration area.
It is hosted on Yahoo!Groups.
Membership registrations are vetted and unfortunately restricted to just those students in
those grades/years listed above only. Registration is free.
Teachers & Staff who were present at the school during 1972-1977 are also welcome to join.
Photos, documents, articles and other details of more private nature (not suited for this
website, due to privacy concerns) will be kept on the BHHS_NSW_1977 Portal site.
BHHS_NSW_1977 Portal members can submit additional photos, documents, articles to the
Portal site that they wish to share with other members.
(NB: You must have a Yahoo ID for access to these areas)
The email discussion list has been created as a way for group members to ask questions,
discuss or post items (if they wish) or simply receive news and information from other
members in the group. It makes it easier to contact people from our year for any future
(The e-mail discussion does NOT require a Yahoo email account to join the e-mail discussion)
Two methods for registering on the Portal:
Click the button to join bhhs_nsw_1977 Portal (includes the mailing list)
OR, if you want to join the mailing list only, send an email to the address below:
(NOTE:- Add your Firstname and Surname in the text area of the email (ladies use your maiden name) so we can vet you are legit ex-student.)
- The details of the political process that resulted in the school closure of BHHS
- NSW Parliamentary questions
- NSW Parliamentary questions
- Warringah Council document
- Manly Daily article
- SMH blog article
- SMH blog article
- Greens party article
- Michael Darby Report 331
- Michael Darby Report
- The tender and sale
- Landcom's view on the development
all these articles have been saved and a copy is available on the BHHS_NSW_1977 Portal site or check the main BHHS website for any new articles.
- search on Schoolfriends.com.au for Beacon Hill High School, check 1977 and the years preceeding.
- aussieschoolmates.com.au is another site to look for ex-students.
- lostschoolfriends.com.au is another site to look for ex-students.
- A few ex-students have their blogs here on Facebook.
- A few ex-students have their blogs here on MySpace.
- the Beacon Hill High School Crest, as displayed at the PowerHouse Museum in Sydney.
- Wikipedia entry for the suburb of Beacon Hill, NSW
- Old photos mostly pre-1978
- Recent photos of classmates N.B. Photos of the school have now been moved to the main BHHS NSW AU website.
This webpage will only have photos and information safe for a public domain site. It won't have fullnames or details on these webpages to respect people's privacy, as these webpages are in the public domain.
Sorry I had to keep it restricted to those people in these particular years, as there would have thousands who attended the school over the 38 years of operation. If you were not in these particular years at this school, then please consider creating your own website, or portal, or email discussion group, or blog, etc. Bear in mind, when choosing a group name, that there are several Beacon Hill High Schools worldwide. If you want to model your own webpage & discussion group off this website, then you are welcome and encouraged to do so. You can also subscribe to the BHHS_NSW_AU portal, (on Yahoo Groups) which is open to any ex-Beacon Hill High School (Sydney NSW) student or staff member. Please check the main BHHS (BHHS_NSW_AU) portal for links to other years.