We had another of our regular get-togethers at Brookie Pub, we started around 2pm, finishing around 10.30pm, about 29 people all up (incl 3 partners) came and went during the afternoon.
A few more new faces at this event, Michelle P. back in Sydney, after living in India for many years, plus Tony F. and his partner ventured up from Bungendore for the weekend. Tony left BHHS in Y9 when his family moved to Canberra.
plus Steven R which we recently found on Facebook. Thanks to Kim O. for tracking down Michelle and thanks to Peter M. for his detective work in locating Tony.
We had a toast to our recently departed, dear friend and fellow classmate Louise Mostyn, with some kind words from Brady.
I think we left the pub around 7.30pm the last 10 remaining people headed over to Mimmos for pizza, wine & coffees, we had a great time.
Those who came on Saturday 28th:
Anna B
Anne W
Annette D
Chele T (and Phil)
Jenny D
Judi D (and partner)
Karen I
Karen N
Kerryn B (Sun)
Kim O
Louise McM
Lynn P
Mary T
Michelle P
Andrew I
Brady H
Dennis P
Michael F
Paul B
Paul L
Peter M
Stephen H
Steve B
Steven R
Stuart L
Tony F (and partner)